English Language Arts Performance Tasks: 3rd – 5th Grade
3rd Grade Performance Tasks
Task 1:
Natural Disasters
This Performance Task focuses on Reading and Writing Informational Text, Research, and Science. Students will utilize text evidence to analyze and draw inferences; understand complex text; understand the structure of the text and how portions of the text relate to one another; synthesize information from multiple sources; use domain specific vocabulary to inform; write a compare and contrast essay from the informational text as well as independent research; complete independent research; and use information gained from informational text to generate a solution or creation.
Task 2:
Space Invaders
This Performance Task focuses on Reading Informational Texts, Main Idea, Key Details, Opinion Writing and Research. Students will demonstrate understanding of a complex text using key details to determine main idea; determine a sequence and timeline based on scientific concepts as well as historical events; use text features to locate information and gain information to determine main idea; use text evidence to garner information to answer questions; utilize text evidence to analyze and draw inferences; understand the structure of the text and how portions of the text relate to one another; synthesize information from multiple sources; use domain specific vocabulary to inform; and write an opinion paper after synthesizing informational text as well as independent research.